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From: $1.64
None 4 Color
4 Color setup charge includes 1 color. Up to 1 colors can be added with the options below.
Mag-copy Change (+$20.00)
Copy Change
Mag-drop Ship Charge ($0.00)
Drop Shipment Charge
Mag-proof-g7 (+$12.50)
G7 Proof
Mag-handling Charge (+$12.50)
Handling Fee- 3rd Party Shipping
.030 Thickness Substrate Upcharge (+$0.08)
.030 Thickness upcharge per quantity level
Go to your File Library to upload and manage files.
Log in to save and reuse your artwork files.
(max file size 80 MB)
Upload your logo or other artwork to customize this product.
Please include the order number in your email. If this product has more than one imprint area, make sure to describe which file goes with each location.
Subtotal $410.00
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